Monday, June 29, 2009

World Scout Environment Programme 2009

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Hari ni....akuh dengan penoh eksaited telah bangun tdo seawal2nye semate2 utk mengikuti program menanam pokok bakau yang berlangsong d Tanjung Telok Gadong..Banting...
Gle ah ak xpenah taw seeksaited ni apetah lg nak juin aktiviti pngakap..
mungkin ak jd eksaited sbb ak da lame xjoin aktiviti pngakap neh...rndu dowh ngan mereke2 bdk scout....

kul 6.30pg lg ak da btolak dr umah ke banting..kene la g awal..ak bukan taw jalan pown..kang sesat2 plak kan...naik kebas pinggul ak...jauh gle...dekat 2 jam kot g sane..mule2 ak singgah g umah membe ak si suraya dlu..amek bliau past baru la g ke Tanjung Telok Gadong.....

Smpai2 je ak tengok ad beberape makhlok telah pon tibe lebih awal dari ak...cis
mcm xpcaye....slalu dorgla paling lmbat...Da agak2 sume da smpai, ktorg pn gla ke tmpat kejadian....

Tekedek2 bjalan......

Setibenye di sane...dengar sikit taklimat dari ketua pngakap negara...

Kusyuk gle bdk2 ni dgr taklimat..

Sempat begambo ngan pukuk masing2....

Kami dan pukuk masing2....pis2!!!
pose beramai2.....sebelum memulakan program menanam bakau..

Gemoknye ak!!!!!

itu die....pokok ptame yg ak bjaye tanam...tapi kene cabot balik atas masalah2 yg xdapat dielakkan ..tahi...

Zul dan gundik2 bliau...

Besemangat gle pakai bju pngakap kat lumpur2 ni...

Rilek jap minum2....

Seronok gak wat aktiviti2 sihat cmni...walopon agak penat gle tapi besh...
da setel sume ktorg pon g merehatkan diri kat umah suraya...
muke masing2 xleh blah..gelap jek....ak je menten putih beseri...hukhuk
ksian abg zul n abg gun..keletihan..
hehehe...comel gle abg gundai dan kain pelekatnye...

Malam 2 plak ktorg g bbq kat pantai morib....besh2...suasane d pantai morib malam 2 sgt menggiurkan..* sape yg g sane paham la pe yg ak maksudkan..wakakaka...
ayam.....sedap dowh...sue mlantak smpai 4 ketol...sori la abg syafiq xde baki ktorg tinggalkan tuk abg...hohoho...

da kenyang ktorg pon balik ke tmpat penginapan,..ape tah name tmpat 2 xingat...
balik2 ak pon tgk tv...ala konsert michael jackson...ak tibai bukak kuat2 volume..padan muke budak2 laki xleh tido...kuat2 baru ad feeling sket nak tgk..tgah syok2 mlayan konsert tibe2 abg syafiq kol...ajak kua makan..perghh...makan lagi...
ak memg ske makan2 neh....ktorg g balik ke tomyam....heheh....sdap2..tq abg syafiq sbb blanje walopon ktorg mom ayam td xingat kat abg lgsg abg tetap bermurah hati blanje ktorg mom...
Da kenyang ktorg pon balik....
ak smbg tgk konsert td...past ak pn tido..
esoknye ktorg pon brambos pulang ke pangkal jalan...

jejake2 tampan...dari kiri! abg aji..'abg' wan...abg zul..n abg syafiq..

Perjuangan ak x terhenti d situ aje....
ak ad plan lg baik ngan sue ....ktorg g mrayap jap kat tepi pantai...
yela..ak batak sket lame xtgk laot...ksian2,,....

lain macam lak ak tgk mangkuk kat atas ni

Smpai disini jela crite ak brakhir...
ak da xlarat lg dah...dalam otak ak ingat nak balik n tido je...
hope nt ujung thn jadi la ye program ke langkawi...jangan xjadik!!!

Love u guys!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

MJ In Memory..

Live at Bucharest: Jam (My damn febret song)

Jam lyrics
Nation To Nation
All The World
Must Come Together
Face The Problems
That We See
Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out
I Asked My Neighbor
For A Favor
She Said Later
What Has Come Of
All The People
Have We Lost Love
Of What It's About

I Have To Find My Peace Cuz
No One Seems To Let Me Be
False Prophets Cry Of Doom
What Are The Possibilities
I Told My Brother
There'll Be Problems,
Times And Tears For Fears,
We Must Live Each Day
Like It's The Last

Go With It
Go With It
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To

The World Keeps Changing
Rearranging Minds
And Thoughts
Predictions Fly Of Doom
The Baby Boom
Has Come Of Age
We'll Work It Out

I Told My Brothers
Don't You Ask Me
For No Favors
I'm Conditioned By
The System
Don't You Talk To Me
Don't Scream And Shout

She Pray To God, To Buddha
Then She Sings A
Talmud Song
Confusions Contradict
The Self
Do We Know Right
From Wrong
I Just Want You To
Recognize Me
In The Temple
You Can't Hurt Me
I Found Peace
Within Myself

Go With It
Go With It
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To

[Rap Performed By Heavy D]
Jam Jam
Here Comes The Man
Hot Damn
The Big Boy Stands
Movin' Up A Hand
Makin' Funky Tracks
With My Man
Michael Jackson
Smooth Criminal
That's The Man
Mike's So Relaxed
Mingle Mingle Jingle
In The Jungle
Bum Rushed The Door
3 And 4's In A Bundle
Execute The Plan
First I Cooled Like A Fan
Got With Janet
Then With Guy
Now With Michael
Cause It Ain't Hard To...

It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
Get On It
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't Stop
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To

It Ain't Too Hard For Me
To Jam [9x]
Get On It
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
Too Much
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To

Get On It
Get On It
Give It Baby
Give It To Me
Come On
You Really Give It Too Me
Got To Give It
You Just Want To Give It

Thursday, June 25, 2009

corat coret Di hari perkahwinan abg Ez....

Majlis perkahwinan kazen ak tlah blangsong..
xsangke da beso da bliau...huhuhu...yela..
dlu ak ingat g..mase ak kecik2 mak ak kalo g keje mst tinggalkan ak dbawah jagaan makngah ak yg disayangi...
ak agak rapat ngan abang ez ak ni...die rajin mlayan kerenah ak dlu2...
tapi 2 dlu2 la la kan..skang ak da beso panjang...
rase cepat je mase blalu..kejap je ak da beso..tapi die lg beso la kan dari ak...hukhuk..
baik lah...ak mulekan story dengan mnceritekan la skit2 aksi ktorg dimalam sebelum majlis belangsung....

macam2 nak kene siapkan..nasib baik sdare mare blah makngah ramai datang 2long..
so snang la ak cikelat sket kan...tolong sket2 je..wawawa..
besela..ak kan pmalas...betol..ak malas gle nak wat keje..jangan mara kak aya..heheh...

Ni ape plak? maklong ak ngah pakaikan bunge kat kpale maksu ak...mcm budak kcik ak tgk..makcik2 blah abah ak ni memg pelik2 sket..happening je..mcm kanak2 riang..hehe..nak tgk hasilnye?? tgk bawah ni...hohoho

adoi...xleh tahan maksu ak...comelkan bliau??wakakaka.....!!(yg kat blakang 2 sebok je nak pose skali..hehe)

Ni plak plamin die....simple but unik n sedap mate ak memandang...ak ske kaler die..turqoise..
2 yg ak ngan maksu ak mengambik kesempatan merasmikan plamin tesebot pade malam e2...hohoho

Ok keesokan harinye lak......ktorg sume berpakaian serba biru(turqoise) mengikut tema yg dtetapkan ...

Dari kiri!!: Aku...Kak Nina..Kak Aya(adik pngntin)..n my sis Baiduri...

My lovely Kazen ever....Kak nina..and syuk...da mcm majlis pkahwinan dowg je ak tgk...huhu...
To syuk: "ak repot kat suraya!!!wahahaha!!"

Ni Pak lang ngan Kak nina..Kak nina ni ad je dimane2 untuk berposing...cis2!!

Ni lak paklang ngan cucu baru die...comel die x ingat..hehehe..sape leh bgtaw name budak ni ape...(name ank buah sdiri pn xingat)

Maklang..ngan abang ajat.."ha??hensem..sori..da kawen ek...hohoho"
Akhirnye stelah bepeloh2 ketiak ak pngantin pon tibe....dlm kul 2 cmtu...

Majlis pesandingan..ha yg kiut miut paling kanan 2 ak ler..2kang bg bunge telo....kak aya la ni mengambil kesempatan keatas diriku ..cis2!!

gmbar beramai2 ngan pngantin ak xde la sbb ak tpakse begegas mlawat membe ak ngah sakit..baru pas eksiden,...

2la...len kali bawak moto leklok...kan da bebalot kaki 2...tapi ak bangge ngan syahir ni...ngah sakit2 pon die still cool n still boleh mlawak...sikit2 perli ak ngan skandal ak time skola2 dulu..pok baru taw...pape pon...smoge cepat semboh..leh kite men boling besame2...huhu..

ok thats all lah 4 2day....
kpade abg Ez and his wife slamat pngantin baru....
cepat2 bg makngah timang cucu...ahakz!

kak aya ble lg???????????


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sapekah si Fendi???Sape???

Sekitar jam 11.11pm...bertarikh x ingat..
seekor manusia x dkenali telah dkenalpasti menghantar spisis msg ke npon ak yg bebunyik
"Pendi mane??"

AKu: " Fendi mane lak ni...tahi ayam tol la.."
ak wat buduh... xcukup dengan 2...mangkuk tesebot seolah2 xpuas hati dan asik betanye mane si pendi...
ak pon tetanye2..pendi mane kah yg magkuk tesebot maksudkan??
Mona Pendi kah?
Pundi kencing kah?
Pendi mane ha?ha?
buduh tol...ak ckp la ak xknal fendi..ko salah nombor! xpaham2 bahase betol bliau...

esoknye die kol ak..
tejerit2.."mane fendi??"
aku: "mane ade fendi kat sini..salah no"
die:" eh baru td msg die"
aku:" lantak ko lah"

eleh...fendi konon...dah ko taw ak bukan fendi yg asik kol2 ak nape..hari2 lak 2...
bukan ke 2 nak mgatal namenye?????
lelaki kan...bodo gak mamat ni ak tgk...
2 ngorat fesen lame la wey...ak ne layan...
ko ngan fendi ko boleh blah!!


Monday, June 22, 2009


Here its goes..

Here's how you do it:

Dear (someone you recently talked to),

I don't really know how to tell you this, but (1). (2) (3) and I saw you (4) (5). I'm sure you're (6)
enough to understand (7). I'm returning your (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You
should also know that I (10) and (11).



*Paste your last answer as the title

1) What's the color of your shirt?

Blue - I'm in love with your cat

Red - Our affair is over

White - I’m joining the Convent

Black - Our romance is over

Green - Our socks don't match

Grey - You're a leprechaun

Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy

Pink - Your nostrils are insulting

Brown - The mafia wants you

No shirt - Purple hedgehogs want to destroy you

Other - I dislike your eyelashes

2) Which is your birth month?

January - That night you picked your nose

February - When I quoted Forrest Gump

March - When your dwarf bit me

April - When I tripped on peanut butter

May - When I threw up in your sock drawer

June - When you put cuffs on me

July – When I saw the purple monkey

August - When you smacked my ass

September - Last year when you peed your pants

October - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub

November - When your dog humped my leg

December - When I finally changed my underwear

3) Which food do you prefer?

Tacos - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub

Chicken - In your car

Pasta - Outside of your office

Hamburgers - Under the bus

Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner

Lasagna - In your closet

Kebab - With Jean Chrétien

Fish - In a clown suit

Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert

Pizza - At the mental hospital

Hot dog - Under a street light

Other - With George Bush and Stephen Harper

4) What's the color of your socks?

Yellow - Ignore

Red - Put whipped cream on

Black - Hit on

Blue - Knock out

Purple - Pour syrup on

White - Carve your initials into

Grey - Pull the clothes off

Brown - bit of

Orange - Castrate

Pink - Pull the pants off of

Barefoot - Sit on

Other - Drive over

5) What's the color of your underwear?

Black - My boyfriend

White - My father

Grey – The Catholic Priest

Brown – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie

Purple - My corned beef hash

Red – My knee caps

Blue - My salt-beef bucket

Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana

Orange - My Blink 182 cd

Pink – Your ‘My Little Pony’ collection

Other - The elephant in the corner

6) What do you prefer to watch on TV?

One Tree Hill - Senile

Heroes - Frostbitten

Lost - High

Simpsons - Cowardly

The news - Scarred

American Idol - Masochistic

Family Guy - Open

Top Model - Middle-class

Other - Shamed

7) Your mood right now?

Happy - How awful you are

Sad - How boring you are

Bored - That I get turned on only by garbage men

Angry - That your smell makes me vomit

Depressed – That we’re related

Excited - That I may pee my pants

Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you

Worried - That your Ford sucks

Apathetic - That you need a sex-change

Silly - That I'm allergic to your earlobes

Cuddly - That Santa doesn't exist

Ashamed - That there is no solution to you being a dumb kid

Other - That your driving sucks

8) What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?

White - Your toe ring

Yellow - Your love letters to me

Red - The pictures from Vegas

Black - Your pet rock

Blue - The couch cushions

Green - Your car

Orange - Your false teeth

Brown - Your nose hair clippers

Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear

Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket

Pink - The cut toenails

Other - Your Hannah Montana underwear

9) The first letter of your first name?

A/B - My virginity

C/D - Your photo with the mustache drawn on it

E/F - Your neighbors dog

G/H - The oil tank from your car

I/J - Your left ear

K/L - The results of that blood-sample

M/N - Your glass eye

O/P - My common sense

Q/R - Your mom

S/T - Your collection of butterflies

U/V - Your criminal record

W/X – Your suicide note

Y/Z - Your credit cards

10) The last letter in your last name?

A/B - Love your sweet, sweet ass

C/D - Always will remember the pep talks

E/F - Never will forget that night

G/H – Will not tell the authorities that you stole the whale from the backyard.

I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly

K/L - Hate your cooking

M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching

O/P - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises

Q/R - Always wanted to break your legs

S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet

U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart

W/X - Haven’t showered in a month

Y/Z – Am better off without you

11) What do you prefer to drink?

Wine - Our friendship is ruined

Soft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon

Soda – I will haunt you when I’m reincarnated as an Eskimo

Milk - The apartment building is on fire

Water – I'm scratching my butt as you read this

Cider – I have a passionate interest for mice

Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war

Mineral/Vitamin water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked

Hot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird

Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey

Beer – Thanks for the Cocaine

Other – you should stop picking your nose

12) To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?

Thailand – Warm tingly sensations

Australia - Best of luck on the sex change

France - Spank me

Spain - With tears of sadness

China – You make me sick

Germany – Please don’t hurt me

Japan - Go milk a cow

Greece - Your everlasting enemy

USA - Greetings to your frog Leonard

Egypt – Kiss my butt

My answer is..

Dear Ariff,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but our sock dont match.
When I threw up in your sock drawer to your closet and I saw you hit on my father. I'm sure you're shamed enough to understand that i may pee my pants.
I'm returning your car to you,
but I'll keep my common sense as a memory.
You should also know that
I Will not tell the authorities that you stole the whale from the backyard.
and I’m scratching my butt as u read this.

Go milk a cow,



sape rajen buat, silakan.



tag dr: Sesiape sahaje.....

1. Ape perasaan anda sekarang?
xde perasaan...hoho..

2. Saya nak makan?
tetibe tringin nak makan laksa siam..sape buleh bikin???

3. Saya tak suka?
lelaki miang!pompuan gatal!hipokrit yang mlampau...

4. Impian saya?
Menjadi wanita bekerjaye yg sangat disegani...

5. Haiwan yg saya tak suka?

6. Saya harapkan?
sebuah kerete Ferari Coupe(06),
Nissan SkyLine,
Bmw 525i M-Sport,
Mazda Rx 8

7. Jika boleh putarkan mase?
xnak! mase lampau sangat mnyakitkan ati..

8. Saya pada 10 tahun akan datang?
mempunyai Phd..ade hubby yang kacak..ade 3 org anak yg hemsem dan chumel..

9. Handphone saya adalah sebuah?
bliau adalah sebuah npon la..xkan sebuah durian plak..

10. Saya pernah bercinta sebanyak?

11. Saya suke pada?

12. Kawan2 saya?
mereke cantek..hensem..baik..dan terbaik!!syg korg!!muahhh3..

13. Pernah dikhianati?
pernah sgt...uhhh...

14. Ape yg anda hendak lakukan terhadap org yg mengkhianati anda?

15. Senaraikan 8 org untuk di tag

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Aku dan kereta dan si Lembab!!

Aku marah betol hari ni!!
ak ni ask marah je kbelakangan ni...xpaham betol...
yela sape xmarah..
hari2 ade je pkare yg mnyampahkan blaku kat ak!!
tapi hari ni pnye kjadian buleh mnyebabkan ak gile!!

ade ke patot... dekat lebuhraye ni...lebuhraye utare selatan nun...
ak besela...mane men line kiri ngan tengah2 ni...
ak men line KANAN je..pasal ak memg ske drift..
tgah aku syok bawak 140km/j..
bleh plak ade mangkok ni bawak mercedez...dok line kanan...tapi lembab nak mampos..
tahi gle..
ak sabo..
xpe2..ak pon kelip2 lmpu bg signal soh mangkuk tesebot blah ke line tgah...
kerek nak mampos bliau wat derk je...
ak tpaksela kan ikut rentak klajuan die yg x seberape 2..
bagus btol bliau ikut undang2 agak2 r..line kanan untuk memotong!
ni ak nak potog die pon xleh ni cmane agak2...??
ak pon amek kputusan nak ke kiri..nak potong die tapi gne line kiri..
masalahnye...kete2 kat line kiri plak lg lmbab dr die...
buduh tol....
ak bengang gle....kat blakang ak porche magnum pon nampak cm bengang je....
da macam nak langgar bontot kete da ak tgk....lg kerek..ingat porche ko 2 lawa sgt ke..ha?ha?
tetibe line kanan jadi jem dsebabkan mercz tesebot...

macam2 care yg agak sopan ak buat supaya makhlok 2 blah ke line kiri..
tapi x bjaye dan sumenye sia2 blake...
smpai satu tahap ak da xtahan..
ak hon skuat hati...
ble ak hon kerete blakang2 pon ekot hon..
padan muke ko...
baru taw takot...baru la tehegeh2 masok line kiri...
ak usha la kan mangkok mane yg bajet bagos sgt bwk mercz versi lame 2..
skali amoi...dengan sepek mate itam besar gajah..pandang ak kerek je..ingat ko cun sgt ke..
mak ak lg cun r!
xsedar diri da bawak lmbab2 masok la line tgah... nak cepat jd lmbat pasal ko taw x!
kepade korg2 yg drive...
amek iktibar sket ek..
line kanan utk memotong...
nak bawak lembab dok kat line palng kiri sane seangkatan ngan lori balak ngan lori najis..
ade paham x??

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jangan Menghipokritkan diri..

Waktu ak ngah menaip ni jam menunjukkan pukul 4.52 ptg,...
ak ngah layan industan snarnye niey...
ak bukan ap kan...skali skale nak gak lepas tensen tegk muke shahrukh khan ni DATOK Shahrukh Khan...hohoho..ble lak turn ak nak dapat Datok gak xtaw la...

tapi bukan pasal die ni ak nak bercerite...
tapi..pasal manusia...sikap manusia...


Apakah maksud hipokrit???
ala hipokrit 2 buleh dideskriminasikan sebagai berpure2...hidup yg penoh dengan kepura puraan dimana seseorang itu cube untuk menjadi org lain bebeza dengan keperibadian diri yg sebenar...

kenape seseorang perlu bersikap berpura-pura??
apasal? pasal ntahla...hanya mereke2 shj yang taw...

kenape ak tetibe mengungkit pasal topik hipokrit ni??
pasal ak dah xtahan..
hidop ak ni memg always dkelilingi manusia y sangat hipokrit!!
sape kah mereke bio ak jela yg taw....

nak dgr sket cite pasal topik ni?? ak cite..

satu mase dlu ak mule bknalan ngan sorg minah ni...
time skul dlu la..baik orangnye....sopan je...pakai 2dung...
memg sdapla mate memandang pendek kate....
die ngan ak memg rapat gler.......
smenjak ak da bpindah skolah....ak x berhubung sangat dengan die..
smpai la 1 ketika ni ak terjumpe die..
hampir x knal gak la...mane x nye tetibe die jerit2 panggil name ak...
ak toleh la...ak pk sapelah minah ni...panggil2 ak..memg ak xknal die lgsg!
seksi bukan main...2dung ilang dah...skali die knalkan diri..agak tekejoot la gak rupenye die..

ak bebual la ngan die cakap pon xpayah ckp la kan...
bukan main menggedik lg..
meluat ak! ak korek2 la rahsia 'kejelitaan' dan keperubahan drastik bliau...
die ckp lpas die masok kolej die bkenalan ngan memembe yg agak bersosial...

pada pendapat ak la kan...nak bersosial ke...nak mampos ke 2 korg pnye pasal...
tapi korg ade otak pk la...
knape perlu berubah semate2 sebab kawan...
kawan pakai seksi ko po nak pakai seksi...
kawan ko ske clubbing ko pon nak ikot skali g clubbing....
cube jadi dri sdiri....diri yg original....susah sgt ke...
perlu ke hipokrit smpai mcm 2 skali...kalau perubahan korg 2 kearah kebaikan ke xpela...
ni x...makin sesat ak tgk..
bukan nak ckp ak ni baik ke ape.
tapi skurang2 nye ak adalah ak..
ak ade care dop ak sdiri dan x perlu jadi org lain...
im proud 2 be my self...

korg lak??
fikir2 kan lah...

Friday, June 19, 2009

tag dr: lulu lalala

1. ape jenama tepon bimbit?

LG F300

2. bila beli?
arr...emmm...hari sbtu...tarikh xingat

3. kaler ape?

4. berape byk msg ade dlm inbox?
87 je...msg yg xpnting ak delete

5. siapa yg bg msg kat you yg terbaru?
abg syafiq!

6. gamba yg jadi wallpaper?
Gmbr ak yg cun melecun la...

7. sila nyatakan;
-missed call: bi ijah(makcik ak)
-received call: my mum
-dialled number: ekin

8. kenapa syg tepon bimbit tue?
ntah...da harte bnde ak...mst la syg kn...

9. berape lame dh gune phone tue?

10. siapa insan yg akn ditagged seterusnye?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ha..tagged lg...

1.. Jika anda mengelamun, apa perkara yang anda fikirkan?
  • Mempunyai teman lelaki yang sangat hensem..romantik..dan kaya raya..hohoho
2.. Siapakah orang terakhir yang anda msg?
  • Kalo nset ak..3 hari lepas..ngan shairi..kalo gne nset mak ak..ekin la manusia terakhir yg ak msg
3.. Brand pakaian kegemaran anda?
  • Bum Equipment, Diesel
4..Benda yang paling anda sayang tetapi telah dirampas atau hilang?
  • dlu...
5.. Anda paling tidak ske??
  • pompuan gatal..Miang mcm vavi! perampas..hipokrit..depan baik blakang cm tahi..
6..Kalau rakan anda bergosip?Apa yang akan anda lakukan?
  • Ak akan mengaji..dan melaungkan allahuakbar sebanyak 50 kali..!Allahuakbar!!
7.. Anda sedang berjalan, tiba2 salah satu tumit kasot bersaiz 3 inci anda tercabot, apa yang akan anda lakukan?
  • Kembangkan idong dan berjalan dengan bangge..
8..5 Ciri manusia yang paling menjijikkan pada anda?
  • kentot merate2..
  • sendawe depan ak..bau petai lak 2..busuk!!
  • berak x pam..kalo taik ko kaler pink ke biru laut ke itam legam!..
  • korek idong pastu makan..
  • ngah makan pastu cakap banyak..ieeeyyy..uweks!!
9..3 perkara yang sentiasa membuatkan hidup anda ceria
  • kucing2 ak yg chumel2...
  • kawan2 yg always menemani ak and sntiase wat ak hepi
  • aiskrim
10..Lagu yang mengingatkan anda pada si dia
  • Terlanjur cinta.. emm... T_T
11..Kalau anda hampir terjatuh akibat tersepak batu, perkataan pertama yang keluar dari mulut anda?
  • BUDUH pnnye batu!!
12..Benda yang paling ingin anda lakukan bersama si dia
  • Bercuti di tepi pantai...oh sapela bakal 'si dia' ak...hukhuk
13..5 perkara paling romantik yang prnah diberikan oleh si dia kepada anda
  • Kata2 yg menjijikkan (i love U..)
  • Kata2 yg penoh pnipuan ( i Janji nt i bawak u g hanimun ye..promise)
  • Ni lg la pnipu!( nt i masok minang u ye)= palotak ko!
14..5 perkara yang paling istimewa mengenai org yang tag anda
  • Garang!!
  • Ske tido!!
  • Xske blnje ak makan(kudukut)
  • pendek
  • gemok gedempol..hahaha
15..8 org yang anda akan tag
  • randek!
  • syuk!
  • ekin!
  • lulu!
  • hajar!
  • yang lain amek jela kalau nak...